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Docs Documentation

Contributing to the documentation is readily encouraged. Feel free to submit a pull request if you feel you can add to the documentation.

Documentation Installation

To compile the documentation you will need Node.js and Python3. With Node.js installed you should be able to run:

npm --version

You can also check to see if Python is installed with:

python --version

(Optionally): Start a python virtual environment.

You will then need to install the yaml parser with:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Compiling the Documentation

Open a terminal and run:

cd vendor
python APIGenerator/src/ --build

This will build the documentation to the directory docs.


Any local API documentation modification in the docs directory will be overwritten whenever a build takes place. To edit the footers edit the files in api, or modify docs.yaml directly.

Then run the following to install all of the nodejs packages required for the documentation platform:

npm i

Then run the following to start the documentation platform:

npm start

This will start Docusaurus at localhost:3000 where you can navigate your changes locally.

Contributing to the API Documentation

The API documentation is unique because most of each page is built dynamically using To edit one of the endpoints key information open vendor/docs.yaml and navigate to the endpoint you wish to edit. For example:

# ...
sidebar: Discord
- join.mdx:
route: discord/join
method: POST
privileged: true
short: Log user joining
description: Log a message to a Discord channel when user joins the Network.
type: string
info: Users IGN.
optional: false
# ...

You can see how this is rendered by looking at discord/join

Understanding the API Template

The API template can be found at api/template.mdx. This file outlines how will generate each API page from the data contained in docs.yaml. Variables with parentheses (VAR) perform a simple replace. Variables with opening parentheses (VAR) and closing arentheses (/VAR) can be included based on a condition. These substitutions are performed in generate_file in Example:


My name is (NAME).

- I like (GAME)

- I like pineapple on pizza


template.replace("NAME", "shadowolfyt")
template.replace("GAME", "Minecraft")
template.remove_line_with_if("HOBBIES", False)
template.remove_line_with_if("SECRETS", True)

Final page

My name is shadowolfyt.

- I like Minecraft

Adding a page

To add a page, simply create a new endpoint in docs.yaml under the section you desire. See the documentation at API Generator for more information about the format of docs.yaml and the config.


Endpoints have some values type checked in For example, valid methods must be POST or GET and valid parameter types must be string, boolean, or integer.

Endpoints can include a footer that includes typical usage examples and any edge cases. These footers are spliced onto the end of the template in Footers are found in the api directory. The file structure here is identical to the file structure made in docs.yaml (again see docs for more info).

Live editing

Whenever you make a change to a footer, you will have to re-run to see the changes on the website. This can get annoying.

To alleviate this, supports live editing mode. To start live editing mode run:

cd vendor
python APIGenerator/src/ --live

This will start It will then poll the template directory and immediately rebuild the api if a change occurs.

To end live coding mode simple press CTRL+C on your keyboard.