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When a player finds a certain number of heads, a message will be broadcast to all online players to inform them that the player has reached a milestone. The milestones can be set as major or minor in the configuration file.

Milestone Helmets

When a player finds a certain number of heads, a message will be broadcast to all online players to inform them that the player has reached a milestone. The milestones can be set as major or minor in the configuration file.

Milestone Messages

Milestones are set to show how close a player is to the end of the hunt. Milestones can be either major or minor. A major milestone broadcasts the player's count at that milestone stage to all online players, while a minor milestone only displays a message with a sound to the player.

Head Collection Cooldown

To prevent players from following other players to collect their heads, the heads will disappear and reappear after a configurable amount of time using the HEAD.RESPAWNTIMER option.