Global Images
The globalImages
folder is a folder of images you can put community creation or photos into, which then get chosen randomly and pasted across the site (on banners, backgrounds and more).
Any image you put into the globalImages
folder will be put in the cycle.
There are static images used across the application for things like the registration, login, graphics and branding in general. Below is a small table of which file changes which display.
File Name | Location | Description |
siteLogo.png | /assets | Used on the head navigation banner. |
meta-siteLogo.png | /assets | Image to use for meta tag images and embeds for Discord, Facebook, Twitter. |
favicon.ico | /assets | Small sprite icon to be used on browser. |
File Name | Location | Description |
errorImage.png | /assets/images | Image to use for error pages. |
loginImage.png | /assets/images | Image to use for /login page |
notFoundImage.png | /assets/images | Image to use for the 404 page. |
registerImage.png | /assets/images | Image to use for /register page. |
.env (Environment Variables)
Value | Description |
PORT | The port which the application runs off (if you're using a deployment platform like Heroku, this won't be relevant). |
siteAddress | The website/domain the application is being deployed to (ensure you don't add a "/") |
TZ | The timezone of where you are based. |
discordAPIKey | The API for your Discord bot. |
apiKey | The API key for the other plugins to connect into (ensure this is secure, and long!) |
sessionCookieSecret | The secret token for user sessions (ensure this is secure, and long!) |
databaseHost | The IP address or server address for the MySQL Server. |
databasePort | The port for the MySQL Server. |
databaseUser | The username for the MySQL Server account. |
databasePassword | The password for the MySQL Server account. |
databaseName | The name of the Zander database. |
"debug": false,
"siteConfiguration": {
"siteName": "My Server",
"tagline": "A Gaming Community",
"keywords": "Minecraft, Gaming, Community, Experience, Crafting, Creativity, Gameplay",
"email": "[email protected]",
"policy": {
"termsOfService": "",
"rules": "",
"privacy": "",
"refund": ""
"platforms": {
"webstore": "",
"discord": "",
"issueTracker": "",
"knowledgebase": "",
"facebook": "",
"twitter": "",
"instagram": "",
"reddit": "",
"twitch": "",
"youtube": "",
"linkedin": "",
"tiktok": ""
"discord": {
"guildId": "GUILDID",
"webhooks": {
"welcome": "WEBHOOKURL",
"networkChatLog": "WEBHOOKURL",
"adminLog": "WEBHOOKURL",
"staffChannel": "WEBHOOKURL"
"roles": {
"verified": "ROLEID"
The filter has 2 part features, a link filter to stop advertising and the like, and a phrase filter to stop profanity and swearing along with the use of varible characters.
You can add links and phrases in the filter.json
file and on restart it will enforce them on all platforms.
Join Messages
The use of join messages for when a player joins the Discord and is verified, it will choose from a selection of the messages which you can add to in joinMessages.json
Ensure that when you create a join message, include the placeholder %USERNAME%
as it will replace
Here is a set list of the out-of-the box ones:
"Yo! %USERNAME% just rocked up! Give them a warm welcome!",
"Start celebrating :tada: %USERNAME% has joined the party!",
"All your base belongs to %USERNAME%!!!",
"Welcome %USERNAME%, don't get supply blocked.",
"Hello there! General %USERNAME%!",
"%USERNAME% joined. You must construct additional pylons.",
"Woah! %USERNAME% just rocked up, Welcome!",
"%USERNAME% just rocked up with Diamonds!",
"%USERNAME% was blown up by a Creeper.. sad times.",
"%USERNAME% was slain by a Zombie.. BRUH.",
"%USERNAME% forgot how to use ladders.. oof.",
"%USERNAME% we were expecting you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)",
"Welcome %USERNAME% we hope you brought cake.",
"Welcome %USERNAME% leave the swords and armour at the door.",
"Swoooosh. %USERNAME% landed safely",
"%USERNAME% just joined. Hide your Diamonds.",
"%USERNAME% has joined the game.",
"%USERNAME% just showed up. Hold my milk."
The features file allows you to pick and choose what you want to use for your community.
"announcements": true,
"applications": true,
"discord": {
"commands": {
"legoFlip": true
"events": {
"generalKenobi": true,
"guildMemberBoost": true,
"guildMemberVerify": true
"server": true,
"filter": {
"link": true,
"phrase": true
"web": {
"login": true,
"register": true
"smDiscord": true,
"smFacebook": true,
"smTwitter": true,
"smInstagram": true,
"smReddit": false,
"smTwitch": true,
"smYouTube": true,
"smLinkedIn": true,
"smTikTok": true
BaseAPIURL: "http://localhost:8080/api"
announcementMOTDTopLine: "&e&lMy &2&nMinecraft&r &6&oServer"
announcementTipPrefix: "&7&l[&6&lTIP&7&l]&r "
announcementTipInterval: 10
Value | Description |
BaseAPIURL | The API URL for your instance. |
APIKey | The API key for your API instance to secure requests. |
announcementMOTDTopLine | The default top line of the Server MOTD. |
announcementTipPrefix | The prefix for the Tip announcements. |
announcementTipInterval | The minute interval of which to send Tip announcements to across the Server. |
velocitymultiplier: 3
world: world
x: 0.5
y: 33
z: 0.5
yaw: -180.0
pitch: 0.0
Value | Description |
velocitymultiplier | How far to have the user flung forward in their seeing direction. | | The world name for the Hub map server of which to summon the player to on connection. |
hub.x | The x position of which to summon the player to on connection. |
hub.y | The y position of which to summon the player to on connection. |
hub.z | The z position of which to summon the player to on connection. |
hub.yaw | The yaw position of which to summon the player to on connection. |
hub.pitch | The pitch position of which to summon the player to on connection. |
- "&e Welcome to My Server!"
- "&e&l ========== My Server ========== &r"
- "&9&l Website:&r"
- "&9&l Discord:&r"
- " "
- "By joining My Server you agree to our Rules, TOS, and Privacy Policy."
- "Make sure you read the rules. &cUse /rules to read the rules.&r"
Value | Description |
welcome | Line-by-line the noted message to send the user on login as a known player. |
newplayerwelcome | Line-by-line the noted message to send the user on login as new player. |