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Ensuring users have access to the right areas we have implemented permissions into Zander.

Provisioning Permissions

To provision permissions, using the tables below you can add these permisssions just like any normal permission nodes in LuckPerms as the application will read the permissions table to ensure that the users have access to the correct features and areas.



zander.web.dashboardAccess to the Dashboard to operate the Administration Panel. Anyone who needs access to anything in the Administration panel, needs this permission node.
zander.web.announcementsAccess to create, edit and delete announcements in the Administration Panel.
zander.web.applicationAccess to create, edit and delete applications in the Administration Panel.
zander.web.serverAccess to create, edit and delete servers in the Administration Panel.
zander.web.logsAccess to view application logs.
zander.web.punishmentsAbility to see user and network punishments
zander.web.auditAbility to view and audit users and groups.


zander.hub.flyAllow users to fly in the Hub or to use /fly
zander.hub.buildAllows users like Builders to build and edit the Hub