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POST application/create

Create an application for users to apply for.


This is a privileged endpoint. Only authorised queries will be processed.


actioningUser string
User initiating the action.

displayName string
The display name for the application.

description string
A short blurb of the application.

displayIcon string
The icon to display from FontAwesome.

requirementsMarkdown string
A link to a markdown file that renders the requirements for the role.

redirectUrl string
The external URL to link the user to to complete commence the application process.

position integer
Which position should this application sit on the page

applicationStatus integer
Whether the application is Open or Closed.


"displayName": "Developer",
"description": "Developers code stuff and sit down",
"displayIcon": "<url>",
"requirementsMarkdown": "<url>",
"redirectURL": "<id>",
"position": 3


"success": true,
"message": "The application Developer has been successfully created!"

A new application form has been created. TODO: Where does form appear?