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This feature allows administrative users to create, edit and delete applications. Applications are used for things like Server Position applications and other Server roles.

Applications Overview

Applications are viewed in the order you specify.

When you select apply, it will appear an external box which will display the requirements.

At the bottom of the box it will have the Apply button which will redirect to your specified external link.

Managing Applications

Creating an application is easy, we've added some notes and options on how you can best create applications for your Network.

Display Name

The name of the application.

Application Icon


You can select and apply the icon by choosing from, ensure you only use the class text otherwise you may have display issues with your application icon.

The icon for the application.

Application Description

Provide a short description for the application. This will be displayed before the Apply requirements screen.

Application URL Redirect

The specified URL for redirecting the user to apply.

Application Position

Specify the priority or position that the application will be placed.

Application Status

Select whether the application is open or closed.